
Our mission is to provide a healthy natural organic tea completely free from artificial chemical flavors of color, aroma and taste in order to aid customers in their struggle towards a healthier lifestyle. It brings a new delicacy and assurance of quality to customers as well as new innovations in tea types and flavors.

First Flush Black Tea
Only 8% of the total tea production is the first flush in the beginning of every year of harvest in spring. The first flush is the most delicate and richest in flavor, aroma and, color. After 6 months of sleep the plant gives birth to such delicacy and richness of the tealeaf.

Damask Rose Tea
This is collected from the most famous and greatest gardens of Damask Rose. The aroma of the rose is unmatchable and when blended with the finest tea is an experience of joy and serenity

Sweet & Sour Tea
This tea is sweet and sour, created with some of the best natural herbs. To manifest a total pleasurable and one of a kind taste and experience, a blend of premium quality organic tea along with selected leaves of Lemon Beebrush, Stevia and other secret flavors complement this tea. The sweetness of this tea can be a great choice for those who like to drink a healthy, sweet and sour tea, and even those with diabetes; since it has natural sweetener without sugar, no calorie and no chemical additives; hence, no effect on blood sugar.

Premium Black Tea
After spring every other 20 days the young buds are gathered for four sessions after the first flush harvest. The flavor and aroma does not reach the fine first flush but yet gives a touch of experience of royalty to its fancy health conscious consumers. The level of L-Theanine in this tea is higher compared to our First Flush, where one can experience a sense of tranquility and stress relief.